What I'm Doing Now

Updated as of November 18, 2024.

Building with AI

One of the most explicit intentions I had when leaving Flash - a place I loved working at - was to push myself on new Artificial Intelligence programming tools. I have written software in the past, but never at a level anywhere as good as a junior developer. With all these new tools coming out I wanted to place myself at ground zero of how they work and how they should be used.

And they're good.

It's not zero shot. You can't say what you want and have it do it perfectly the first time, but I've always liked troubleshooting where things work and where they don't, so it works perfectly fine for me.

It's doing almost all of the work, but it is making me better because I'm constantly looking at code, trying to understand what it's doing, and then modifying it. It's actually an effective teacher for me.

Thinking about Sabbaticals

I'm unintentionally spending a lot of time thinking about Sabbaticals. What do I miss most about Flash? What do I enjoy most now that I've had time freed up? What do I want to build and what do I want that balance to look like?

Schedule Starting to Fill Up

My wife is starting a company and I'm very happy about that. But now our calendars are starting to fill up. Wait! What about my time! I want this all to be about me! What about the things I want to do when I think of them! Me! Me! Me!